In line with European guidance, if you are mentioned on a website as a dental professional providing dental care you must ensure the following is displayed:
- i) your professional qualification and the country from which that qualification is derived; and
- ii) your GDC registration number.
If you are responsible for a dental practice website
You must ensure that the following information is displayed:
- i) the name and geographic address at which the dental service is provided;
- ii) contact details of the dental service, including e-mail address and telephone number;
1 The Council of European Dentists’ (CED) EU Manual of Dental Practice contains extensive information on oral health systems as well as legal
and ethical regulations across the EU. In particular this includes the Code of Ethics for Dentists in the EU for Electronic Commerce which covers the
content of websites
- iii) the GDC’s address and other contact details, or a link to the GDC website;
- iv) details of the practice’s complaints procedure and information about who patients may
contact if they are not satisfied with the response (namely the relevant NHS (or equivalent) body for NHS treatment and the Dental Complaints Service for private treatment) and
- v) the date the website was last updated.
You must update the information showing on your website regularly so that it accurately reflects the personnel at the practice and the service offered.
You must also ensure that you do not display information comparing the skills or qualifications of any dental professional providing any service with the skills and qualifications of other dental professionals.