Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Root canal treatment Bath (Endodontic treatment)

The purpose of endodontic treatment is to save a tooth that would otherwise require extraction. The procedure when undertaken by clinicians with high expertise and large experience, in combination with the most cutting-edge technology, is predictable and often will last as long, if not longer than a replacement alternative.

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‌Specialist Endodontics

Specialist Endodontics refers to the specialist branch of dentistry that focuses specifically on the diagnosis and treatment of the dental pulp and tissues surrounding the tooth. 

A specialist is different to a ‘dentist with special interest' or a dentist with ‘practice limited to endodontics’ as it is a title ONLY used by those clinicians that have gone through formal specialist training ratified by The General Dental Council and Royal College of Surgeons.

There are not many dentists with this specific training - currently there are approximately 300 in the UK, and we are lucky to have three of them here at Circus Dental.

‌Circus Dental Specialists in Endodontics

All our Specialists in Endodontics have been through the extensive specialist training pathway, allowing them to manage all situations from the simple to the most complex scenarios.

They are skilled in performing intricate procedures with precision and they use advanced technologies such as digital imaging and microscopes to enhance their diagnostic and treatment capabilities. They are expert in managing dental trauma and performing apical surgery in cases where root canal treatment has been unsuccessful (assessed on a case-by-case basis).

‌When should I see an Endodontist?

If you are experiencing severe tooth pain, sensitivity, or inflammation you may require the services of an Endodontist, as these symptoms often indicate problems with the dental pulp.

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is required when a tooth is severely damaged and the pulp (nerve) is irritated. This procedure is used to clean, disinfect and seal the inside of the root and prevent the need for tooth removal. The tooth can then be restored based upon how much of the tooth remains. Our pragmatic approach means that we take every step to minimise further damage to the tooth. We work utilising microscopes to enable us to visualise the tiniest detail of the tooth meaning that we can preserve more of the healthy tooth structure and give the tooth the best possible chance of long-term survival.

‌The British Endodontic Society

All our Endodontists at Circus Dental are members of the British Endodontic Society and it is a great resource for information on Endodontics treatment. Please visit the British Endodontic Society or call us to talk through your symptoms and find out how we can help you.

More about Endodontics at Circus Dental

Circus Dental Endodontic Specialists

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If you’d like to find out more about our dental services, how we can help you or to book an appointment, please get in touch now and one of our friendly team will be happy to talk through your options.