Director Dan Beevers 
on dentistry, implants and patients.

Director Dan Beevers
on dentistry, implants and patients.

Dan Beevers has been a part of the Circus Dental team for over 18 years and is both a dentist and one of the Directors. With a wealth of knowledge and experience we thought we'd ask him a few questions to give us an insight into his role and in particular his thoughts on dental implants.

Circus Dental Divider

What is your main role at Circus Dental?

I am both a dentist and a Director, and after 18 years at Circus Dental I still feel extremely proud to be involved in such a well known and historic practice.

My clinical work centres around restorative and surgical dentistry and I have been lucky enough to meet so many wonderful patients in my time at Circus Dental.

Tell us a bit about your background in dentistry

I began my dental studies at Bristol University where I completed my undergraduate degree in 2004. I thoroughly enjoyed my time studying in Bristol and was delighted to be awarded the British restorative dentistry prize and the Bristol Dental School elective prize during my final examinations.

I have retained strong links with Bristol University and became a clinical lecturer in oral surgery up until 2019. I also completed my masters degree in Implantology at the uni l in 2009 and received an MSc with distinction.

In conjunction with my further studies and university appointment I worked in both NHS and private dental practice. In 2009 I joined Circus Dental full time and have been very happy here ever since.

In 2020 myself and the other four Directors took over managing Circus Dental Ltd. and have grown the practice, and continued to improve the facilities and technological advancements.

Why did you choose to work at Circus Dental?

The practice has changed a great deal since I first joined, but it's reputation and ethos has always been patient-centred and highly regarded by other professionals in our field.

I was delighted to be offered a position at Circus Dental and then to have the privilege to offer the same privilege to others who wish to be part of our team.

The historic location and history dating back to 1886 as a dental practice makes it one of the oldest practices in the country.

As a Director of Circus Dental I often feel a custodian for future generations. The practice has always attracted highly qualified and skilled surgeons and each of them seems to enjoy their time here. The previous partners have all worked for at least 30 years at Circus Dental which I think speaks volumes about how happy they were to be part of this dental practice.

What are dental implants and why do you have a particular interest in them?

Dental implantology was a particular area of interest for me as it blends my two skills of restorative dentistry and oral surgery.

It gives us the ability to replace teeth for people when they have unfortunately had to lose them.

It's a complicated field of dentistry but extremely rewarding and technology continues to develop in this area at a fast pace. This is exciting as we are able to be involved in some of the most up-to-date techniques using evolving technology.

The biggest reward is to restore someone's confidence in their smile or to give them back the feeling of fixed teeth when they have unfortunately had to lose their own.

Who comes to see you for help with implants?

Many patients come to see us with the consideration of dental implants. They may have lost function and ability to chew their food comfortably or they may have aesthetic concerns where teeth have been lost in parts of their mouth which are visible.

Some patients require a single dental implant to replace a missing tooth or others may require an entire upper and lower arch of teeth to be replaced.

What advice would you give to patients who are feeling worried about dental implants?

Dental treatment can be worrying for many people and understandably cause some anxiety.

My advice for anyone considering dental implants would be to see a well qualified dental surgeon for advice and individualised treatment planning. No two patients are the same and considerations of the type of treatment, costs and anxiety must all be considered before any treatment can be suggested.

The relationship between patient and dentist needs to be one of trust and two-way dialogue. It is important that patients feel well informed and in control of whatever treatment they wish to choose.

What sort of post treatment care is required after dental implants?

The majority of our patients require minimal measures following implant treatment. This usually involves over-the-counter pain medication and simple instructions on cleaning and eating for the days following surgery.

Post treatment care is important for dental implants and we always make sure all of our patients are sent home with appropriate care packs which include pain relief, cleaning products, written instructions and our emergency contact details should they need advice or to be seen at any time.

Why do you think patients should choose Circus Dental?

We pride ourselves on our open and honest approach to treatment planning and we have the unique ability to offer multidisciplinary care.

On many occasions we may seek advice from one of our in-house colleagues regarding an alternative to dental implant treatment and regularly a joint consultation with clinicians of different experience can be useful to devise a balanced treatment plan.

I am of course biased as a director of Circus Dental, however, I have had my own family and friends treated by the team at Circus Dental which I think is the biggest compliment to their skills I can give. We also have an amazing team of support staff that look after our patients with us. Our aim is for our patients to have a seamless journey within the practice and to gain our patients trust for life.

Dental Implant treatments at Circus Dental

Find out what's included in a dental implant consultation at Circus Dental.

Read more about Dan